Network Member Publications

EGRN members have released a variety of publications covering the phenenoma of extremism and radicalization in gaming-related fora.

Please view the links below for a selection of recent works.

Empowering the Gaming Industry: Strategies for Addressing Hate, Harassment, and Extremism in Online Communities, Rachel Kowert and Elizabeth Kilmer, TakeThis, 9 February 2024.

Hate is No Game: Hate and Harassment in Online Games 2023, Anti-Defamation League, Center for Technology & Society, 6 February 2024.

Extremism in Games: A Primer, Rachel Kowert and Elizabeth Kilmer, TakeThis, October 2023.

Malign Foreign Interference and Information Influence on Video Game Platforms: Understanding the Adversarial Playbook, James Pamment, Jesper Falkheimer, and Elsa Isaksson, Swedish Psychological Defence Research Institute, 9 October 2023.

Toxic Gamers Are Alienating Your Core Demographic – The Business Case for Community Management, Rachel Kowert and Elizabeth Kilmer, TakeThis, 16 August 2023.

The Online Gaming Ecosystem: Assessing Socialisation, Digital Harms, and Extremism Mitigation Efforts, Galen Lamphere-Englund and Jessica White, Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), May 2023.

Gaming the System: How Extremists Exploit Gaming Sites and What can be Done to Counter Them, Mariana Olaizola Rosenblat and Paul M. Barrett, NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, May 2023.

Hate Is No Game: Hate and Harassment in Online Games 2022, Anti-Defamation League, Center for Technology & Society, 6 December 2022.

Examining the Intersection Between Gaming and Violent Extremism, Linda Schlegel and Amarnath Amarasingam, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), October 2022.

The Gamification of Jihad: Playing with Religion, Firas Mahmoud, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), 27 September 2022.

Playing Against Radicalization: Why Extremists are Gaming and How P/CVE can Leverage the Positive Effects of Video Games to Prevent Radicalization, Linda Schlegel, modus|zad, August 2022.

Advancing Media Literacy in Indonesia: Building Resilience and Measuring Behavior Change, Moonshot, November 2021.

State of Play on Gaming & Extremism – Reviewing the literature on gaming & extremism, Galen Lamphere-Englund and Luxinaree Bunmathong,  Love Frankie, A Product of the Extremism and Gaming Research Network, 6 October 2021.

Gamers Who Hate: An Introduction to ISD’s Gaming and Extremism Series, Jacob Davey, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), 12 August 2021.

Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on Steam, Pierre Vaux, Aoife Gallagher, and Jacob Davey, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), 12 August 2021.

Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on Discord, Aoife Gallagher, Ciaran O’Connor, Pierre Vaux, Elise Thomas, and Jacob Davey, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), 19 August 2021.

Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on DLive, Elise Thomas, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), 26 August 2021.

Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on Twitch, Ciaran O’Connor, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), 2 September 2021.

The Role of Gamification in Radicalization Processes, Linda Schlegel, modus|zad, January 2021.

Gaming and Extremism: The Radicalization of Digital Playgrounds, Ed., Linda Schlegel and Rachel Kowert, Routledge, March 2024.

You are What you play: The Risks of Identity Fusion in Toxic Gamer Cultures, Rachel Kowert, Alexi Martel, and William B. Swann, Games: Research and Practice, 5 July 2023.

When Digital and Physical World Combine: The Metaverse and Gamification of Violent Extremism, Suraj Lakhani, Perspectives on Terrorism, June 2023.

Right-Wing Extremism in Mainstream Games: A Review of the Literature, Garrison Wells, Agnes Romhanyi, Jason G. Reitman, Reginald Gardner, Kurt Squire, and Constance Steinkuehler, Games and Culture, 11 April 2023.

Not Just a Game: Identity Fusion and Extremism in Gaming Cultures, Rachel Kowert, Alexi Martel, and William B. Swann, Frontiers in Communication, 17 October 2022.

From Gaming to Hating: Extreme-Right Ideological Indoctrination and Mobilization for Violence of Children on Online Gaming Platforms, Daniel Koehler, Verena Fiebig, and Irina Jugl, Political Psychology, 28 August 2022.

“Press F to Pay Respects”: An Empirical Exploration of the Mechanics of Gamification in Relation to the Christchurch Attack, Suraj Lakhani and Susann Wiedlitzka, Terrorism and Political Violence, 31 May 2022.

The Name of the Game: Promoting Resilience Against Extremism Through an Online Gaming Campaign, Daniela Pisoiu and Felix Lippe, First Monday, 2 May 2022.

The Toxicity of Our (Sim) Cities: Prevalence fo Dark Participation in Games and Perceived Effectiveness of Reporting Tools, Rachel Kowert and Christine L. Cook, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4 January 2022.

Connecting, Competing, and Trolling: “User Types” in Digital Gamified Radicalization Processes, Linda Schlegel, Perspectives on Terrorism, August 2021. 

Storytelling Against Extremism: How Fiction Could Increase the Persuasive Impact of Counter- and Alternative Narratives in P/CVE, Linda Schlegel, Journal for Deradicalization, 25 June 2021. 

Positive Play: Can Gamification Support P/CVE Measures?, Linda Schlegel, Journal EXIT-Deutschland, March 2021. 

Playing for Hate? Extremism, Terrorism, and Videogames, Nick Robinson and Joe Whittaker, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 11 January 2021. 

Dark Participation in Games, Rachel Kowert, Frontiers in Psychology, 10 November 2020.

Jumanji Extremism? How Games and Gamification Could Facilitate Radicalization Processes, Linda Schlegel, Journal for Deradicalization, 26 June 2020.

Building Resilience to Extremism in Gaming: Identifying and Addressing Toxicity in Gaming Culture, Claudia Wallner, Jessica White, and Petra Regeni, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Policy Support, September 2023.

Countering the Misuse of Gaming-Related Content & Spaces: Inspiring Practices and Opportunities for Cooperation with Tech Companies, Linda Schlegel, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners, November 2022.

Quarterly Research Review: Gamification and Online Hate Speech, Pauline Paillé, Catherine Galley, Kristin Thue, and Benedict Wilkinson, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Policy Support, October 2022.

An Exploration of Emerging Trends – Future Threat Scenarios and Potential P/CVE Solutions, Jessica White, Claudia Wallner, and Suraj Lakhani, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Policy Support, September 2022.

Video Gaming and (Violent) Extremism: An Exploration of the Current Landscape, Trends, and Threats, Suraj Lakhani, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Policy Support, October 2021. 

Extremists’ Use of Gaming (Adjacent) Platforms ‒ Insights Regarding Primary and Secondary Prevention Measures, Linda Schlegel, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners, August 2021.

The Gamification of Violent Extremism & Lessons for P/CVE, Linda Schlegel, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners, May 2021.

Conclusion Paper: Digital Grooming Tactics on Video Gaming & Video Gaming Adjacent Platform: Threats and Opportunities, Lieke Wouterse and Rik Scheele, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners, May 2021.

Conclusion Paper: Extremists’ Use of Video Gaming – Strategies and Narratives, Lieke Wouterse and Merle Verdegaal, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners, November 2020.

Grooming for Violence: Similarities Between Radicalisation and Grooming Processes in Gaming Spaces, Rachel Kowert and Elizabeth Kilmer, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 8 February 2024.

Fighting Extremism in Gaming Platforms: A Set of Design Principles to Develop Comprehensive P/CVE Strategies, Menso Hartgers and Eviane Leidig, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), 1 June 2023.

Accelerationism Meets Gamification: A Look at the Convergence in the Framing of Online Narratives, Petra Regeni, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 3 May 2023.

A View from the CT Foxhole: Jessica White and Galen Lamphere-Englund, Co-Conveners, Extremism and Gaming Research Network, Galen Lamphere-Englund and Jessica White (Ed. Kristina Hummel and Madeleine Biscaichipy), CTC Sentinel, March 2023.

The Pentagon Leak: Childish Stunt or Dangerous Trend?, Galen Lamphere-Englund and Jessica White, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Commentary, 23 April 2023.

From Atari to Allahu Akbar: Comparing White Supremacist and Jihadist Uses of Gamified Extremism, Firas Mahmoud, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 8 February 2023.

God of Race War: The Utilisation of Viking-Themed Video Games in Far-Right Propaganda, Ashton Kingdon, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 6 February 2023.

Extreme Right Radicalisation of Children via Online Gaming Platforms, Daniel Koehler, Irina Jugl, and Verena Fiebig, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 24 November 2022.

Extremist Action in Digital Gaming Spaces: The Role of Identity Fusion, Rachel Kowert, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 21 November 2022.

It’s All Fun and Games, Until It’s Not: The Risks of Gamified Violent Extremism and How We Can Tackle It, Petra Regeni, RUSI Europe Commentary, 11 November 2022.

Playing Against Radicalisation: Why Extremists are Gaming and How P/CVE Can Leverage the Positive Effects of Video Games to Prevent Radicalisation, Linda Schlegel, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 19 October 2022.

The Gamification of Violent Extremism: An Empirical Exploration of the Christchurch Attack, Suraj Lakhani, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 10 June 2022.

The Buffalo Attack and the Gamification of Violence, Jessica White and Galen Lamphere-Englund, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Commentary, 16 May 2022.

Understanding the Game: Bridging Research Gaps at the Nexus of Gaming and Extremism, Galen Lamphere-Englund and Luxinaree Bunmathong, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 9 March 2022. 

Is it Just a Game? Exploring the Intersection Between (Violent) Extremism and Online Video-Gaming, Suraj Lakhani, VOX-Pol & University of Sussex, 29 September 2021.

Extremists Using Video-Game Chats to Spread Hate, Interview with Jessica White by Carl Miller and Shiroma Silva, BBC, 23 September 2021.

Online Gaming Platforms, Ross Frenett and Joost S., VOX-Pol & Moonshot, 8 September 2021.

As You Like It: User Types in Digital Gamified Radicalisation Processes, Linda Schlegel, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 1 September 2021.

Why The Radical Right Exploits Games As Tools For Radicalization, Yannick Lengkeek, Center for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR), 13 August 2021.

Competing, Connecting, Having Fun: How Gamification Could Make Extremist Content More Appealing, Linda Schlegel, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 12 July 2021.

Let’s Play Prevention: Can P/CVE Turn the Tables on Extremists’ Use of Gamification?, Linda Schlegel, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights, 29 March 2021.

Games with Us?, Kayla Izenman and Anton Moiseienko, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Commentary, 29 May 2020.

Making Extremism Fun? The Potential Role of Gamification in Radicalization Processes, Linda Schlegel, modus|zad, 19 March 2020.

Framing Far Cry 5: The Gamification of White Separatist Propaganda, Ashton Kingdon, Center for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR), 16 December 2019.

Gaming the System: Money Laundering Through Online Games, Anton Moiseienko and Kayla Izenman, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Newsbrief, 11 October 2019.

Gaming: 35% of Adult Gamers Having Seen White Supremacist Content (Video), interview with Galen Lamphere-Englund, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners, 10 July 2023.

Gaming & Extremism: Identity Fusion (Podcast), in the Tech Against Terrorism Podcast, Interview with Rachel Kowert and Ashton Kingdon, Tech Against Terrorism (TAT), 6 July 2023.

UN CT Week: Ungoverned Online Spaces and Grey Area Online Content (Video), 2023 UN Counter-Terrorism Week, 23 June 2023.

Gaming & Extremism: Threats and Opportunities (Podcast), in the Tech Against Terrorism Podcast, interview with Jessica White and Galen Lamphere-Englund, Tech Against Terrorism (TAT), 22 June 2023.

Gaming and Online Extremism: Threats and Opportunities (Video), panel at the Third Annual GNET Conference with Jessica White, Rachel Kowert, Galen Englund, Ashton Kingdon, and Charley Gleeson, Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET), 31 May 2023.

Thematic Briefing on Countering the Use of New and Emerging Technologies for Terrorist Purposes (Video), at the Special Meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (New Delhi, India), testimony by Galen Lamphere-Englund, UN Counter-Terrorism Committee, 29 Oct 2022.

The Metaverse: How Can P/CVE Practitioners Negotiate the Brave New World? (Video), interview with Galen Lamphere-Englund, European Commission – Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners, 12 October 2022.

How Do We Harness the Power of Video Games for Good? (Podcast), in the Undesign: A Social Change Podcast, interview with Galen Lamphere-Englund and Kosta Lucas, DrawHistory, 22 June 2022.

Countering Terrorist Narratives and Preventing the Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes (Video), at the Open Meeting of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee, testimony by Galen Lamphere-Englund, UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), 24 March 2022.