
These Insights are written by EGRN members in partnership with the Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET). You can find a full listing of EGRN-GNET Insights below and on our partner’s website.

Can Serious Games Make a Difference in P/CVE?

Video games and gamification have become key tools of extremist actors’ recruitment arsenal and have taken a central role in their modus operandi. Analyses have pointed out how terrorists employ gaming elements in staging their attacks, or how violent extremists create full-blown video games fraught with hateful narratives and include opportunities to annihilate various social and ethnic groups.

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Understanding the Game: Bridging Research Gaps at the Nexus of Gaming and Extremism

In 2021, we developed a report at Love Frankie (LF) for our community of practice at the Extremism and Gaming Research Network (EGRN) to understand the state of research into linkages between video games, gaming communities, and extremism. In the State of Play: Reviewing the Literature on Gaming & Extremism, we provide an overview of existing available literature on research and publications on the use of gaming platforms, video games, and related online fora.

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